Emil Carr-Ross


Cycle Mechanic and Bikepacking Rider in Glasgow, Scotland.

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26 May 2024

HT550 Day 2


Day 2, after a slower, depressed start where I wrote you from last in Fort Augustus, went a lot better.

Restocked and ready, the climb up to loch ma spec was easy, flowy gravel and the descent just as easy and flowy.

The rain came on but I was cozy with my rainshell, leather boots and gaitors. My toes stayed dry until the very last minute in the day.

I managed to find some chocolate bars at a hotel in Struy before heading on to the second climb, where I was dotwatched by Shouto (?)

That brought me to Contin, but not on time for any shops. The very fancy House of Crou (?) had a sign out saying ‘All welcome’ and ‘good food’. The 1km push up their driveway felt like a slog. I immediately felt out of place in such a nice hotel, but to their credit the staff were lovely, the food good - if expensive ! - and it topped me ip. One member of staff gave me some snickers from his room when I asked at the bar and they had none.

Leanne and Camilla joined as I was alnost ready to leave, and found a cheaper Sandwich menu.

Onwards and for the next 50km I felt great. Nightfall came and I kept going, my Dynamo lights lighting up the way. Soon I saw Felix (?)’s lights ahead of me and had to chase him! He wasn’t easy to catch either. We rode together until 1:30am where I rolled out my bivvy in the Croick estate, and slept for too long.
